Mom, give me a call when you wake up in the morning.”

Tracy did not wait until morning to make the call. She would not sleep again that night. She would not sleep well for many more.


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A family cast in darkness. A daughter in an unimaginable situation. And the guiding light of faith that united people across the world, carrying them through their most trying days.



“Jon has always been the one that people lean on for problem solving. He is so good at breaking down an issue and building a plan forward. But we had never been through anything like this. This was deeply personal. One of his greatest fears as a parent was unfolding before his very eyes.”
"My eyes locked with Jon’s for a brief moment. We didn’t have this man’s name, but he had Hanna’s. It felt like a line cast out into the void, but it had caught something on the other end. If this man knew where Hanna was, there was no way we were letting go."
"Once again, I felt the sting of regret that I hadn’t contacted my parents. My parents. They’d know what to do. They’d know who to trust. Leaning against the cool metal bars of the otherwise stifling holding cell, I closed my eyes and released a silent prayer from somewhere deep within my soul."
"Faith is having the sense that there is a higher power, a deeper, connecting force within every person on Earth. It is a power so great it defies and challenges comprehension, only making itself understood to those who truly open their eyes, minds, and hearts to its existence. And that power is God."
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"I sat up, groggy, and looked around to find more had joined us in the night. Not unusual. What was unusual was finding a new-born baby lying on the floor. In a sort of daze, I lifted it from the floor and cradled it in my arms. It was filthy and too little, even for a newborn."
"In our separate corners of the world, our family steeled ourselves for one of the most trying days of our nightmare. And all we could do was wait."
"Picking up my pillow from the floor, I rubbed my palm furiously at the perfect, dirty imprint of the guard’s boot square in its center. It might as well have been on my very own cheek."
"The cell door flung open, and the guards dumped a mess of a woman into the cell, and I do mean dumped. She stumbled in with such force that she fell to the floor as the door slammed shut behind her."
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“Calm,” she said, smoothing the fabric of my shirt across my shoulders. An eerie tranquility rushed over me as she placed both hands gently on my shoulders. "Calm," she repeated. That one word felt like a hand reaching into the water to pull me out. I took it."
"As I lifted the journal to examine the woman - the warrior - more closely, a note slipped from behind the cover and fluttered to the floor before me. I reached for it. I recognized his handwriting instantly. Stay strong."
"Did we honestly expect that the guards would come to aid when this poor woman inevitably soiled herself? No, of course we didn’t. And so, we took the woman in, just as they’d done for me days earlier, and took turns caring for her throughout the night. When morning came, I had the overwhelming sense that we were all better for it."
"You answered a call for help. Each effort was multiplied by the other, building into a tremendous force connected across the world through faith and goodness to secure our daughter’s freedom."
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Encompassing the perspectives of parents Jon and Tracy Willems, sister Taylor, and Hanna herself, this harrowing true story captures all the defining characteristics of humanity: despair, distrust, and suffering but also faith,
hope, compassion, and community.

Dynamic and engaging with excerpts from the journal Hanna kept throughout this unbelievable series of events, When We Could Not See the Moon will speak to parents, people of faith, warriors for justice—and anyone who finds themselves lost in the dark, desperately searching for the light.


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The moon has always been special in our bond with our globetrotting daughter, symbolizing our connection and inspiring the title of the book. It was hard to maintain that bond while she was locked away, as it felt that the moon went dark. Yet, its slight illumination with hope and faith kept us connected, even half a world apart.

window view of sunset over a patio



A family cast in darkness. That was us – and this is our personal story. We are Jan and Tammy de Weerd, live in Idaho, USA, and steadfastly continue to pursue our faith while embracing travel across the world. While we both are retired from our respective careers, we remain professionally engaged and enjoy the freedom of controlling our own calendar. Although the names and locations in this book have been changed to shield and support our daughters in their ongoing healing process from this experience and protect the privacy of all involved, we are dedicated to help those who could benefit from our experience.



“Our hope in writing this book, in sharing this profoundly intimate account of one family’s darkest hours, is that it will help others know where to look to find the light.”

Savannah Spidalieri is the director of publishing, with Ballast Books and its children’s imprint, Blue Balloon Books. Savannah attended Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington where she studied creative writing, publishing and printing arts, and children’s literature. With over a decade of experience as an editor of fiction and poetry, Savannah is also passionate about helping authors perfect their non-fiction works. Savannah currently resides with her family outside of Charlottesville, Virginia.

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Lawrence Wasden

Fmr. Attorney General, State of Idaho

When We Could Not See the Moon starts as any normal day and builds to a maximum crescendo. Truly demonstrates the necessity of justice, exigency of human dignity, purpose of family, and power of prayer.
Shaan Sharma

Actor, "Shmuel" The Chosen

When We Could Not See the Moon is a testament to the strength of faith and family in the face of adversity. As Jon and Tracy recount the ordeal of their daughter Hanna’s imprisonment…
Maryanna Young

CEO, Aloha Publishing

A must-read for any parent or anyone who’s ever wanted to travel beyond the borders of the U.S. When We Could Not See the Moon is a riveting story that combines…

Dennis Johnson

Retd. Pres. & CEO, U.S. National Insurance Company

What a story! Once I got started, I could not stop reading the book. One of the great epiphanies to parents is that they will always be parents to their children no matter what…
Pastor Keith Waggoner

Grace Bible Church

This gripping true account of a young international traveler being unjustly accused, arrested, and imprisoned will keep readers in suspense as the story unfolds from multiple perspectives. An encouraging reminder that…
Pastor Ken Wilde

Founding Pastor, Capital Church & Exec. Dir., National Prayer Center

I have read many books and stories but none quite like this—a true story in which an entire family is drawn into a drama involving one of their loved ones. The family experiences…
Marsha Abel
I couldn’t put it down. It is every parent’s nightmare – to have something like this happen to their child – but the strength and support that this family found in their faith and in the community of friends and contacts was amazing.
Neeru Goyal
This is a deeply moving account of when our friends were tested by the harshest of realities. At the time, I found myself daily at temple lifting their daughter up in prayer. It is a testament to faith being affirmed during very challenging times.
Chris Dixon

The pain and gut-wrenching emotions are so palpable. Faith will not shield us from hardship but will get us through. This book is a testament to the human spirit.

Sidney Bartlett

Mother & Grandmother of Family

Life takes us places we never expect…This compelling story of fears, tears, friendship, and faith was personal – it was my family. Experience the nightmare of my daughter and her husband…
Sylvia Hampel

CEO & President Toucan Development Corp

When We Could Not See the Moon, it is a story that every parent should read. It is a story that no parent ever wants to live. Being a parent of children who travel the world it brought up so many emotions… 

Dom Gelsomino

A page turner that kindles your sense of hope and faith after having walked through the dark and overwhelming journey with the family. So many powerful and profound messages throughout each entry, including the immense value of family.

Sidney Bartlett

Mother & Grandmother of Family

Life takes us places we never expect…This compelling story of fears, tears, friendship, and faith was personal – it was my family. Experience the nightmare of my daughter and her husband…
Dom Gelsomino

A page turner that kindles your sense of hope and faith after having walked through the dark and overwhelming journey with the family. So many powerful and profound messages throughout each entry, including the immense value of family.

Pastor Ken Wilde

Founding Pastor, Capital Church & Exec. Dir., National Prayer Center

I have read many books and stories but none quite like this—a true story in which an entire family is drawn into a drama involving one of their loved ones. The family experiences…

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the book provides daily accounts of the parents’ journey to free their daughter, Hanna, alongside poignant excerpts from Hanna’s journal. These entries offer a unique, deeply personal first hand perspective of her emotional and physical experiences during her unjust imprisonment in Egypt.

Yes, the book offers insights into the foreign legal system from the parents point of view that the family had to navigate, though much of the legal process was unclear and challenging. It details their learning curve and the vague, often unclear procedures they encountered. Hanna was treated as guilty until proven innocent, a burden that compounded the family’s fears. The communication barriers were immense, with restricted access to their daughter who had limited interaction with her lawyer. The parents had significant challenges connecting with the U.S. Embassy in even verifying they knew of their daughter’s situation. When they finally learned of Hanna’s plight, they were hindered in their efforts and denied access to ensure her well-being and treatment. The legal journey reflects the unpredictable and difficult process they had to endure.

Yes, while the main narrative is from the parents’ perspective, the daughter’s journal is woven into the story, providing her personal experience and emotions. The contrast of both perspectives enhances the narrative, giving readers a fuller view of the family’s ordeal.

Absolutely. The book delves deeply into the emotional toll on the entire family—the overwhelming concern, frustration, and helplessness they felt, alongside the strength they drew from their faith and the support of their community.

Yes, the book beautifully reflects the importance of faith and community as vital support systems. It also highlights the role of governmental bodies such as Congressional offices, state officials, and embassies in providing assistance, though these systems offer limited help in many cases.

Yes. The authors share their personal story to provide strength, inspiration and a lifeline to others who find themselves in times of despair or facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Their story shows the strength they found in faith and the support they found from community. The story shows to not give up hope, no matter how difficult the situation may seem.

Yes, the book reflects on the family’s faith throughout the experience. It discusses how faith guided the family during their darkest moments and how it connected them with unexpected allies. The family’s faith helped them find clarity, strength, and hope, even when circumstances seemed impossible.

Yes, names, locations, and certain details have been changed or fictionalized to protect the privacy amd safety of those who were involved in helping to free Hanna. However, the emotional truths and the essence of the events remain authentic.

Yes, the book includes the perspectives of parents Jon and Tracy Willems, their daughter Hanna, and her sister Taylor. Each family member’s viewpoint highlights their personal struggles and emotional journey during this harrowing experience.

Yes, the book is ultimately a story of hope and resilience. It emphasizes the power of faith, community, and perseverance, offering an inspiring message for readers that even in the darkest of times, hope remains. The family’s journey reminds readers that they are never alone, and with faith and the support of others, even the most impossible challenges can be overcome.

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12:30 A.M. TRACY

The text came after midnight. As every parent knows, the midnight call or text is never the one you want to receive. But it was one I felt in my bones was coming. It started as a little nagging worry, as we hadn’t heard from Hanna when her plane had touched down. Then, it grew steadily as the hours, then days, passed by and she did not check in. Not to say she was settled into her lodging or to send a photo as she toasted with friends to celebrate the start of her yearlong adventure abroad or even to admit she was already missing home. Finally, that nagging worry had grown into the foreboding anxiety that had ensured when that midnight text did arrive, I was awake and waiting for it. The buzz of my phone across the room. The leap in my chest, cutting off my breath. The silent plea as I reached for the phone on the table — please be from Hanna. I wanted more than anything to feel that unique mixture of both relief and frustration. I wanted to finally know she was safe, and I wanted to be angry with her for not checking in sooner.

But it wasn’t Hanna’s name on the screen. It was Taylor, our youngest daughter.

Can you please call me in the morning? I have some news about Hanna.

I didn’t wait until morning. I barely waited to read the whole text. It was after midnight, and sleep was not coming for me. I wouldn’t sleep at all that night. In fact, I wouldn’t sleep well for many more.



When We Could Not See the Moon is a testament to the strength of faith and family in the face of adversity. As Jon and Tracy recount the ordeal of their daughter Hanna’s imprisonment in Egypt, their trust in God’s love and providence shines through. Guided by the truth that ‘in all things God works for the good of those who love Him’ (Romans 8:28), the Willems family harnessed their faith to find the courage and resilience needed to bring Hanna home.

From the timing of Hanna’s judge issuing her release on bail to the compassion of her cellmate Inara whose kindness reflected God’s light in the darkest of places, this true story reminds us that God is always by our side. Jon and Tracy’s vulnerable reflections drive home the power of faith-not as a magic shield against hardship but as a foundation from which we can weather any storm, knowing we are held in the arms of a loving God. When We Could Not See the Moon will reaffirm your belief in miracles and inspire you to trust more deeply in God’s plan.



A must-read for any parent or anyone who’s ever wanted to travel beyond the borders of the U.S. When We Could Not See The Moon is a riveting story that combines friendship and faith with so many twists and turns that any reader will rethink their perspective when situations are beyond their control.


Retd. President & CEO, U.S. National Insurance Company

What a story! Once I got started, I could not stop reading the book. One of the great epiphanies to parents is that they will always be parents to their children no matter what their stage in life. This is a story of trusting God every minute of every hour of every day of a painfully long ordeal. The faith and hope exhibited throughout this difficult jailing is infectious.



This gripping true account of a young international traveler being unjustly accused, arrested, and imprisoned will keep readers in suspense as the story unfolds from multiple perspectives. An encouraging reminder that compassionate humanity isn’t limited by ethnicity, religion, language, or status; we’re all part of a bigger story. God often works outside our expectations and bring the most diverse people together to accomplish His divine purposes, changing us in the process.


Founding Pastor, Capital Church & Exec. Dir., National Prayer Center

I have read many books and stories but none quite like this—a true story in which an entire family is drawn into a drama involving one of their loved ones. The family experiences many emotions, highlighting their bond, their love, and their deep trust in one another. As the narrative plays out, you see both a natural and spiritual strength emerge in each family member. I enjoyed the unique style in which the story is told from the perspective of each family member. This showcases the challenges each one faced, as they share in their own words the deep emotions and feelings they had during this dramatic experience. I had a hard time putting the book down as it ramped up to an amazing crescendo. To me, this book illustrates the importance of family and how supporting each other can help a family overcome all kinds of obstacles. I also loved how each family member reached out to God in their own way and experienced the strength and comfort that only God can bring. This is a must-read for anyone who loves a good story and wants to see how families can stand together in tough times.



Life takes us places we never expect…This compelling story of fears, tears, friendship, and faith was personal – it was my family. Experience the nightmare of my daughter and her husband, of my granddaughter who was incarcerated in Egypt, and of the many people who answered the call to help. I had the opportunity to see the hand of God in it all.



When We Could Not See The Moon, it is a story that every parent should read. It is a story that no parent ever wants to live. Being a parent of children who travel the world it brought up so many emotions. It is well written and a page turner. A story of faith resilience and unconditional love. I highly recommend it.


To talk about the book, connect with the authors, learn more about their journey, or to invite the authors to speak.

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