‘Surrounded By Fire’ – God Meets The de Weerds In a Crisis

By Steve Bertel 

Editor’s note: The subjects of this article, Tammy and Jan de Weerd, agreed to share their personal experiences and testimonies so that, when we face seemingly insurmountable challenges or crises in our own lives, we, too, can trust in the same unshakable faith they did – and know that God is already guiding our way through the difficult situations, even when we may not immediately see it. However, we are respecting the parents’ privacy wishes and not revealing their daughters’ real names. 

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew they faced impossible odds when they defied the orders of the mighty and powerful King Nebuchadnezzar. But they also knew they served a God more mighty and more powerful than any earthly ruler. Bound and cast into a fiery furnace – with the heat cranked up, on the angry King’s orders, seven times more than usual – the three men faithfully knew God was at their sides. Even when they were surrounded by the blazing hot fire. Even when it seemed there was no way out. At least no way out they could immediately see. 

Until, as we read in Daniel 3:25, Nebuchadnezzar peered into the furnace and, astonished, told his counselors, “Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt – and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God!” The furnace was then opened and the three men were allowed to emerge. To the amazement of the King and all his men, they were totally unscathed!” In fact, Daniel 3:27 tells us… “the hair of their head[s] was not singed, nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them.” 

Such was the faith of former Meridian mayor Tammy de Weerd and her husband, Jan. 

It started in the early morning hours of Monday, February 22, 2021, when they received a text from their youngest daughter, Taylor, who was living in Amsterdam at the time. The text said only: “Can you please call me in the morning? I have some news about Hanna.” Taylor knew the time difference between Amsterdam and Idaho; it was 8 a.m. in the Netherlands – and midnight in Idaho. 

But Tammy couldn’t wait. She snatched up the phone and called her daughter.

 And what Taylor told her was every parent’s worst nightmare… 

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